Sunday, May 22, 2011

On the Origin of Forms

The ultimate common denominator of anything which exists in a time-space continuum is form.The gross material objects you trip over or manage during the day are the most ready example. Nuclear particles have their own way of being a form, just as definite and automatic. When you start discussing mental energy and objects, there is another array, ranging from heavily massive mental objects to high-frequency creations which oscillate around beauty itself as a frequency. The spectrum _seems_ to have a discontinuity between high-level frequencies north of EMF radiation, and the class of energy and solids which are experientially mental things, not physical ones. But they do overlap, as anyone who has seen a good old-fashioned glare-fight between highly endowed spirits can attest.

But all this is an array of forms. Where does form end and background against which forms are viewed begin?

A being growing up in a body, forced to endlessly communicate to forces and energies of a fairly low scale (such as nerves, light, sexual vibes and the like) grows more and more into the conviction that he is among those things -- a form or compound himself. This is not true -- it's a special effect that comes with long-term habituation to the physical universe. But is a popular addiction, probably the most popular religious belief in our species: the physical universe is the Real Universe; Thou Shalt Have No Other Universe Before It; and It Contains You. This is a great pile of dung and smelleth strongly. But it is the belief system among which we travel.

If you shed or strip away or release all attachment to forms, desires or resistance about them, and let go of all pictures, and efforts, you find yourself creeping back into contact with the ultimatee zero-wavelength phenomenon called Pure Consciousness, the awareness without object that is the end point of all exploration. This is the engine of the mind, the creative seat that makes the decisions which get so convoluted, and who you are (the I before you started generating a self to be). It is an infinity, and a zero, because it is something beyond the pale of numbers and dimension, and has none of the wavelngths of the material universe; although it certainly has qualities of the kind called ability: to intend, to perceive, to postulate what shall be.

It is not that a lot of attention has to be put on this background existence which precedes all form and defines it. It is simply a good thing to be reminded every once in a while what comes from which, so as not to be fooled too seriously.

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