Sunday, December 25, 2005

Intimacy As Problem

The problem with intimacy is not physical. There is a river of evidence that physical connection of the most intimate kind can mean everything or nothing. In either case it is not the problem.

The problem with intimacy is that it violates the rules of communication in unpredictable ways, and distorts communication the way magic distorts physics, when it does, whether for better or for worse. It is extremely tricky to sort out the better and the worse and to cleave to the best.

The reason is that there is too much similarity between the co-existance of genuine, high-communication intimacy, and the “collapsed-worlds” imitation of it that stems from a surrender of one's position from desperation or fear. The latter tactic causes a neurotic closeness approaching identity, need-driven. Genuine intimacy of the higher order brings about orders of magnitude more communication, of an instantaneous sort, without ever compromising the clear and serene certainty of who is who, causing what. High intimacy is a delight; its low-bred evil twin is a plague seeking sympathy.

One effect of the genuine article is to multiply individual reach outwards into unlimiting spaces, fueled by a huge increase in energy, redoubled creativity, an empowerment of souls.

One effect of the ersatz version is to turn the self within itself wondering why it has been so badly split and broken, internally.

An answer is because the soul’s breath has been stolen under fraudulent terms of disguised and treacherous self-loathing imposed on the one by some other.

This does not occur without consent, but being tricked is a lot easier when you do not know the mechanisms of the game, and this collapse between an I and a Thou is one worth noticing.

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