Sunday, December 25, 2005

Pragma Among the Universes

A pragma is a sort of filter of data flows in a software system – a low level function that defines what sorts of input will come in to the system and in what form. It is used to define a particular variation in how a program written out in source code will be compiled. The compiler, which condenses the English-like line entries of a program into a much more compact language close to the machine’s native binary, will change how it treats incoming segments of the program based on rules set up as pragmae. You can have a whole dictionary of these rules, a pragma dictionary, to call into use for a compiler which is processing a source-code program.

In consciousness, there is a similar kind of transition in which the individual establishes certain mechanisms defining the rules for how raw experience os going to get treated as it comes into the “system”. These rules are also collectable, and some people have scads of them. These “pragmae” guard the wide open bandwidth of direct raw perception and produce a compiled version, with the calls and data structures modified according tot he rules in the pragmae.
A hierarchy could be postulated of gradiently more involved and densified creation on this order:

PRAGMA (Own universe) (PrU)
PRAGMA (Material Universe) (PrM)
PRAGMA (Social Universe)PrS

It is an interesting study how these structures in knowing work to keep us in phase, in tune, within limits and on the same small piece of bandwidth. Perception is an instant compliance to a Pr. One note of special interest is that a PrU must somehow be published as a distributed knowing for any entity (Ex) which can be experienced in the intersection [U]. Pr M can MASK a subscription to PRU but may not cancel it.

There is perhaps a great deal more to know about these layers of constructed knowing among the universes -- both those we share and those we tend alone.

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