Laws of Spiritual Engineering
The business and goal of spiritual engineering is to reverse spiritual decline in individuals and groups and restore spiritual ability. Spiritual abilities include those abilities which cannot be emulated mechanically - they include such abilities as compassion, understanding, the power of will, the sense of justice, aesthetics, and creative power.
These abilities in an individual become suppressed through confusion, spiritual abuse, emotional abuse and physical abuse. These abuses can occur on many vectors, the most fundamental of them being self-to-self. The vectors of communication and action among beings such as others to self and self to others are similarly intimately intertwined with the stages of reduction in ability.
Spiritual engineering, then, is the body of knowledge which brings about improved dynamics of spiritual ability. It should be acknowledged from the outset that calling it “engineering”, which derives from the word “engine”, meaning a device of mechanical power. The implication is that some kind of collapse between mechanics and ability, machinery and spirituality, is occurring.
But engineering derives from an older and nobler concept. In Middle English the word engin originally meant skill, the talent which brought early machines into existence. And earlier still, in old French, the word meant innate ability. There is some etymological research indicating that the earlier root is found in an Indo-European form of gen-yo, which attaches to concepts of procreative divinity, inborn tutelary spirit, and innate quality. So spiritual engineering has an appropriate claim to integrity by reference to its most fundamental origins. It is the subject of bringing out the strengths and restoring the sovereignty of the individual spirit.
Spiritual engineering is a subject that entails a great deal of understanding of the fundamental factors and basic mechanisms by which the individual spirit engineers himself into the more limited and mechanistic forms popular as identities today. The reason these fundamentals are vital is because there is an endless array of apparent form to people, and an infinite amount of content which varies from individual to individual. But the constants - the factors which can be used in engineering - are in most cases not obvious. If you did not have a concept of a law of gravity, for a simple example, you might think that every object that fell was behaving on the whim of the gods or out of some sort of individual choice. The ability to abstract from a wide array of apparent phenomena - things all over keep falling - and from them derive a workable conceptual framework that can be used in engineering - gravity is a field force which accelerates mass at approximately 10 meters per second squared - is a hard-won trick in Western history. It is easily misunderstood, resulting in rituals of science which meet public standards and are anemic as achievements.
The point, though, is that there are fundamentals on the issue of the human spirit, things which can be said to apply to all cases found as general laws. Some of them are known, and some of them are yet to be discovered. In this respect, spiritual engineering parallels any other kind of engineering, building from the knowledge we have and discovering the knowledge we do not yet have. Just as building engineers do not know, yet, how to put an anti-mass toque on a building to make it earthquake proof, but are using what they know about springs, levers, and other factors to make them more so, so with spiritual engineers and the human beings with whom they work. Note the preposition with, not “on”.
Spiritual engineering is the art of facilitating the liberation of the individual human spirit, bringing it from states of not-knowing, not-feeling, not-aware, and not-able, to states of awareness, knowingness, ability and feeling. It is primarily and predominantly an educational activity involving the examination of data, assumptions, individual ability to deal with data, and the understanding of how data is created. In addressing these issues it also has consequences in other fields, such as psychosomatic vulnerability and resistance, group sanity, the dynamics of society at large, and so on. This is a natural consequence of addressing the spiritual zone which other things essentially derive from.
But it is absolutely, in its origins and in its applications, a spiritual and educational activity.
It is of extreme importance to understand that it is not and should not be thought of in relation to any prior school of psychology, psychiatry, religion, medicine, or spiritism. It has nothing to do with Blavatsky, Freud, the American Psychological Association, Rogers, Piaget, Thor, wicca, God or the angels. It has to do with human men and women of good will seeking to learn, understand, discover and restore their own spiritual nature. If in the course of doing so they encounter some of the phenomena that have been previously contacted (and possibly mangled) by some earlier subject or research, that is natural enough in the nature of understanding more about human life and complexity.
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